Welcome to Food Forward’s Hot Seat!
Where we ask up to 10 rapid-fire questions to answer with onlyone word
(or as few words as possible).

Before we get started, tell us a bit about yourself…
I am a Glean Team Leader who started volunteering with Food Forward in January 2020. I have always enjoyed learning about food, and I get excited about the fruits and vegetables that each season brings. I can spend hours working in my garden and cooking yummy meals for family and friends. I love that Food Forward recognizes the significance of making fresh produce accessible to all communities.
I started volunteering with family, but now go solo. It’s my escape and time by myself. I’ve become friends with the farmers and the other Glean Team Leaders; it’s a chance to get away from what you know and be immersed in something new.
And now for the hot seat…if you don’t have an answer to a question, you’re welcome to skip it. Have fun!
Favorite season?
If you were a type of produce, what would you be?
Your one tip to reduce food waste at home?
Menu planning
What keeps you coming back to volunteer?
The farmers
Fruit or vegetable?
What inspires you?
My faith
Mornings or afternoons?
The most interesting produce you have gleaned?
Bitter melon
Favorite market to glean at?